Receive this Free Guided Audio so you can:

 *Feel powerful, centered and in charge of your energy and where you are choosing to share it*

*Stop feeling depleted, drained or scattered by people and circumstances around you*

*Experience connection, confidence and clarity within yourself and what is best for you*


 Stephanie Rainbow Bell,  from Las Vegas, shares her experience:

“While I have done a ton of "Calling Back Energy" type meditations, I really liked Tammy’s guided audio because of the specificity she used.  It allowed me to access some centuries old energy I'd been missing, which added a brand new "Xena Warrior Princess" type energy to my field.  In my mind, Xena expresses "Power With Heart" and THAT energy triggered a chain of synchronicities that helped me make a major positive life decision I'd been struggling with for months!  I'm very grateful!!!”
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